Welcome to my World

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Injoyability is an online community and educational hub with real talk about life, struggles, happiness, dreams, desires and what gets in the way of our joy.

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So tell me…

  • Are you someone who is a natural optimist?
  • Do you like being happy and content?
  • Are you keen to know yourself more and be kinder to yourself?
  • Are you still struggling with your own self worth and boundaries at times?
  • Do you feel like you’re constantly busy and ‘doing’ but you’re struggling to create space for just being?
  • Do you worry about what other people may think about you, say about you and afraid they’ll criticise you?
  • Are you tired of feeling like you’re alone?
  • Are you craving deeper connection? Do you want to feel more powerful? Do you want to be braver in your life? More abundant? More of a leader? Do you want to be who you know you are but are afraid to be?
  • Do you want to be able to feel more joy in all aspects of your life because you are living a life you love and that you are proud of?

If you’ve read the above statements and are nodding your head, well then you are definitely in the right place

Joy to me means … Really being myself, loving myself and accepting myself. It means giving myself permission to go after what I really want even if it scares the shit out of me. It means being all in. It’s high vibes, feeling good, being a walking talking contradiction, feeling deeply, happy tears, sad but grateful tears, it’s following through, being present, paying attention, being in the moment, a deep rooted sense of worthiness and belonging, it’s reading, writing, deep connection, love, gratitude, spreading joy, random acts of kindness, being really fucking brave, it’s cursing, belly laughs, playing, simplicity, my senses, sex, cuddles

Our Ability to be in Joy means….. working on the hard stuff that gets in the way of us being happy. I’m talking about examining self worth, boundaries, comparison, your self-talk and conditioning, your self-acceptance, love, learning how to ask for what you need or want, advocating for your desires, dealing with criticism, giving yourself permission to rest and play, feeling good enough or deserving, reclaiming yourself when pieces of yourself have been lost to a relationship, motherhood or career. It’s learning not to give a shit what other people think and not being so damn afraid.

It’s hard to become yourself by yourself. You need support… and here, we’ve got your back because we get it. We’re learning to do the same thing.

Injoyability is a safe place to be you, the real you. To find your voice and opinions and act upon them. To ask hard questions of yourself and others but show compassion as you navigate the lessons. To learn to care less of what others think of you and focus more on what you want for yourself. To take your dreams and hopes and ambitions seriously but at the same time, give yourself a fucking break with all the pressure!

We’re a group of social introverts, we value learning, freedom, joy & progress. Grab your tea and your journal and settle in.

You’re here. You’re safe. We got you. Let’s grow.

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