My 6 year old found my Spell Book

Over the years I’ve accumulated a lot of books on magic and spells and witchcraft.

My stash of witchy books started when I was probably about 9 or 10 years old with books on candle magic, nature magic, connecting with your own power (blowing at traffic lights to make them turn green), how to create a magical home and more. I often kept them hidden as I grew up, afraid people would think me weird but now, in my own office and in my own space- they’re on display.

The other day, Sarah found a slim purple book on my bookshelf and read the title.

Patricia Weston – White Witch- Book of Spells and Magic.

Her eyes lit up as she collected every book with the words witch or magic in the title, gathered them up and brought them downstairs scouring through them at the kitchen table.

In the small purple one, she read out ‘ A Spell for Courage’ then excitedly said, ‘yes! This is exactly what I need!’ She read the list of ingredients and went off around the house gathering and improvising.

  • A red candle – check
  • Lemon oil- hmm we have the lemon pancake Squeezy juice
  • Ivy herb- some herbs/spices from the press will do
  • Little mixing cauldron- check
  • Pen and paper- check

She followed the instructions, lit the candle with my help, read out the spell and stated her intention… She wanted to be braver on the monkey bars in the playground.

She read out the last line of the spell…

And as I will it, so shall it be’ and then asked me ‘Did it work?’

‘You tell me’ I replied.

‘Yeah I think it did, I think I feel braver now. I’m gonna go out and try’

And out she went. And she tried, and tried and tried until she got it.


The magic worked!


Watching her, I had one of those major ‘aha’ moments and realisations. I recalled working my own ‘magic’ as a kid and how important it was to me.

Spells for courage, spells for protection, spells for safety, for healing, spells for love, spells to be heard and seen, spells for good luck, spells to help my confidence and help me sleep.

Even as a teenager with excruciating period pain, I would ‘brew’ a cup of tea slowly and draw a bath adding oils and herbs to help me, I’d light candles and open the window in the bathroom because you could see the moon from the bath. I would think that it would help me feel better and ultimately it did.

Whatever I felt I needed, I could focus on it with a ritual and intentionality and then this practical magic always worked for me and helped. It still does…. Interesting eh?

Watching Sarah it dawned on me….

 Mindset = Magic


She was using a magic spell as a tool to shift her mindset. She was making efforts to change her thinking without even knowing what she was doing. And I did the exact same thing when I was her age!

Our mindset and the way we think about things influences how we feel. Our emotions and how we feel, influences the actions we take (or don’t take). The actions we take or don’t take leads to the results we see in our life.

I believe that one of the most powerful things we can learn is to direct and focus our thinking because it’s so incredibly powerful in building our resilience.

No matter what life throws our way, we can choose how we think about it, that will impact how we feel about it and that will impact on what happens next. Our thoughts can make or break us.

I’ve been working on my mindset since I was a kid in a way that made sense to me- magically. And now my daughter was practicing the same skill and my heart felt so full.

I’d love to know if you can relate to this? Did you used to make wishes and use magic to change your thinking? What did you believe in as a child that gave you the boost of strength or confidence you needed? What do you do now? Let me know as I’d love to hear some suggestions as well!

But remember……

 Intentionality + Ritual + Mindset  = Practical Magic

Love Paula


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